Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Four Dollars (concept)

How much is $4 really worth?
I went to get coffee at the gas station down the street from me and the coffee machine poured super slow, so while holding the button down being the social attention grubbing whore I am I started to converse with the two nice older ladies working tonight that didn't seem too thrilled to be working the graveyard shift.
In the 10 minutes it took for this machine to fill up a 32 ounce plastic cup we were able to change that mood around. The ladies laughed at my awful jokes and told me a bit about their lives. When it was finally done filling I went to the front to pay. Pulled out my wallet and then she pushes the coffee back to me, smiles, and says "you sure did wait a long time on that coffee, just take it."
I smiled back, thanked her, and left.
It's amazing that these complete strangers and I were able make each other's night better and bond over a $4 coffee.
So, how much is $4 really worth?

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