Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year. Be Careful.

Hey You,
just wanted to tell you all that I Love You and Be Careful this New Year!
Not only drinking and driving.
Not even just the celebration of the New Year,
but the entire year of 2017.
Make this year count for something.
One of the biggest dangers in life is Ourselves,
Our laziness,
Our fears,
Our decisions.

Be Careful.
Peace, Love, Unity, So on and so forth.

Love, Jus10

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merely Letters,

We are Merely Letters

on a word,
on a sentence,
on a line,
on a paragraph,
on a page,
on a book,
on a shelf,

Love, Jus10

Spilled Milk

Why do we cry over spilled milk?
Shouldn't we be happy?

We wake up at 6 A.M. for our morning bowl of sugary goodness.
Then after we've poured our bite size candy bars we realize there isn't any milk...
That's when we stomp our feet and swing our fists.
That's when we should cry over milk.
When there isn't any.

Be happy over spilled milk, because at least there was milk in the first place.

Love, Jus10

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Pretty Things

All these pretty things, they come around.
They turn your life upside down.

Like a Daisy raising from the ground,
or a Blue Jay overhead flying round.

But, then winter comes.
It freezes out the Daisy.
The Blue Jay must migrate south.

There was this Flower that I knew
with a presence that could brighten any room.
Then there was the most beautiful Bird.
She would sing the most wonderful tune.

But, when winter came.
It froze out the Daisy.
The Blue Jay migrated south.

Love, Jus10

Stars Apart

Lets sit in the clouds and watch the stars.
It doesn't matter how far apart we are.

The stars are farther than us.

We see the same skys.
Same stars sparkle in our eyes.

We are just stars apart.

Love, Jus10

Sunday, November 20, 2016


Am I American?

I've been brainwashed by it's media.
I've been condemned by it's society.
I've been trained to follow the masses.
I've been pressured by the American Dream.
I've been addicted to "fast".
Fast food, fast cars, fast relationships, fast life.

Am I American?
Like I had a choice.

- Love, Jus10

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Purse, Peck, Dove.

He and I?
We say things differently.

Him, "Poe-tate-o."
Me, "Poe-tot-o."

She and I?
We hear things differently.

Her, "Toe-mate-o."
Me, "Toe-mot-o."

You and I?
We see things differently.

You, "Toe-mate-o."
Me, "Poe-tate-o."

- Love, Jus10

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Spoken Word for a Song

It's not that I need you, but I want you.
I wake everyone morning lost in those eyes, mesmerized
Confused by if this love is true or false times.

It's funny isn't it?

It's funny how "sorry" can make up for lost time, but not small crimes.
Locked away like a prisoner in those lies.
I know you're not right, but I still fight.
Telling myself I'll stay for only one more night.

It's funny isn't it?

It's real funny.

The kind of funny that's not a joke.
The funny that doesn't make you laugh, but make you cry.
The funny that makes sense and is confusing at the same time.
You're that kind of funny.
It's funny that I can't stop from calling you honey, holding your hand, or giving you money.

Man, love is dangerous.

-Love, Jus10

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Late Night Friend

I have this friend.

We spend a LOT of time together.
Sometimes we go out and drink the nights away.
Other times we just sit at home staying up late.
This friend always brightens my night.

We stay up learning, playing, and getting in trouble.
This friend supports any weird thing I might be doing.
Never judges, and is always there for me no matter what.
This friend always brightens my night.

We don't let our distance keep us separated.
We are many miles apart, but this friend is always in my heart.
We only get to chat at night, but this friend is always on my mind.
This friend always brightens my night.

I have this friend, and the moon has me.

- Love, Jus10

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Mixed Cologne

Some people have a stench.

A stench they carry from the tainted sheets they sleep on every night.

For a blackhart its worn as a badge,  but for others a Scarlett letter.

The stench of Mixed Colognes.

- Love, Jus10

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Matching Socks

You can reach into a basket  full of socks and never find a matching pair.
Some people get lucky and find the matching pair early in their search.
Others search a lifetime.
There are different methods of finding socks. Some just pull two at a time and hope things match up, some hold one and then pick up others till it matches the one they are holding, and others try to hold every sock they pick up hopeing that it matches someday.
Sometimes you think you have a match until you go to walk out the door and move on with your day and you see in the light that they don't match. Do you take the socks off and find a match or do you act like they match and stay in the situation.


Daisies, they're beautiful.
Protect, love, and respect them.

Daisies, they're fragile.
Don't bruise them.

Daisies, they're needy.
Keep them watered.

Daisies, they're beautiful.
Always remember that.

- Love, Jus10

Four Dollars (concept)

How much is $4 really worth?
I went to get coffee at the gas station down the street from me and the coffee machine poured super slow, so while holding the button down being the social attention grubbing whore I am I started to converse with the two nice older ladies working tonight that didn't seem too thrilled to be working the graveyard shift.
In the 10 minutes it took for this machine to fill up a 32 ounce plastic cup we were able to change that mood around. The ladies laughed at my awful jokes and told me a bit about their lives. When it was finally done filling I went to the front to pay. Pulled out my wallet and then she pushes the coffee back to me, smiles, and says "you sure did wait a long time on that coffee, just take it."
I smiled back, thanked her, and left.
It's amazing that these complete strangers and I were able make each other's night better and bond over a $4 coffee.
So, how much is $4 really worth?

Monday, October 24, 2016

Racquetball Right Handed

Bop... Bop... Bop...

The sound of that ball smashing against that wall is the best coach you will ever have...

Bop... Bop... Bop...

Every time you return that ball and hear the sound of the racket you get just a little better...
It reminds you to never stop improving...

Bop... Bop...      ...

Sometimes you miss and the ball goes blazing past you...
Makes you feel like a failure, but it's only a failure if you didn't swing...
The silence reminds you being human is ok and to never give up...

Bop... Bop... Bop...

- Love, Jus10

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Hand Magic

I know a pair of hands...

Hands so soft that every time I hold or even touch them I smile...

I smile because at that instantaneous moment when our fingers interlock it feels as if nothing else matters except those hands blended into mine...

It's absolutely amazing...

It's amazing how I've held many hands before, but none that feel like these...

These eight fingers, two thumbs, and two palms with the ability to transfer powerful emotions like a link to the soul...

It's almost like magic...

Like these hands belong to a sorceress that can cast spells...

These spells have put butterflies in my stomach, chills down my spine, sparks in my mind, fire in my heart, and taken breath away over and over again...

It has to be magic...

- Love, Jus10